Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Changes in Health Insurance

There has been a lot of talk recently regarding the health plan that President Obama has been working so closely on. Although the plan is still in the beginning phases of being developed, some of the suggestions and discussions have been very interesting to read about and follow along. In an article I found in the New York Times, it discusses some of the problems that have been brought up between the private insurance and a government-administered health insurance plan. Much of the opposition for this plan lies with the democrats weary of the costs associated with the new plan. Also, many are concerned that a govenmental plan will force private insurance out of business. In response to this, President Obama stated that it is "not logical" that a public plan would undermine the private insurance market. He goes on to state that "We have not drawn lines in the sand other than that reform has to control costs and that it has to provide relief to people who don't have health insurance or are underinsured."

However, with a governmental health plan, many members of Congress believe that it will ultimately increase costs and push private insurance out of the market. "Regardless of how it is structured, a government plan would use its built in advantages to take over the health insurance market," from Karen M. Ignagni, president of America's Health Insurance Plans.

The financing of this health policy also concerns many in Congress. When President Obama first presented this health care proposal, the price tag totaled $1 trillion over 10 years. However, this price has now reached $1.6 trillion over 10 years. Part of this increase is based on the part of the plan which states that employers who do not offer "affordable" coverage to employees would have to help pay the cost of such benefits for their low-income workers. Under this, employers would have to pay half the cost of providing Medicaid for any of their low-income employees in that program. Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R) stated that the proposal "would be a disaster, because it would create a disincentive for employers to hire lower-income people on Medicaid." With everything that has been written about this proposal, I still believe that there has not been enough solid information given to be in support or opposition of this bill, personally. Everything that has been written about have been very broad and vague. Just like President Obama stated, "Those are the broad parameters that we've discussed." I do believe that the American healthcare needs to be reformed, however I do not know if it is prepared and can be successful based on the broad proposals that have been presented thus far. I will be actively following this story, patiently awaiting further information.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sick ? Take a Z-pack

I have been a student at UCF since my freshman year. So for well over 4 years, I have called UCF my home. Although I try to lead a healthy lifestyle, living on a college campus means that everyone is exposed to various germs/illnesses throughout the year. As a result, I have found myself at the UCF health clinic on a number of occassions with various illnesses. However, I seem to always be prescribed a Z-pack, regardless of my illness.

Just recently, my friend Brittany had been sick for a few days. She was hesitant to go to the health clinic because she knew what medication would be prescribed for her. All of her friends, including myself, all had a little bet going to see if the physician would prescribe a z-pack to her. This was not her first time taking a z-pack and we all knew it would not be her last either ! Sure enough, after her appointment she called me to say that I was right, the UCF health clinic had yet again prescribed a z-pack to her.

Speaking from personal experience, there has only been one occassion that I went to the health clinic and was not prescribed a z-pack... and that was because I had pink eye. I have been to the health clinic at least 7 times over the years and every single time I have either walked out with a z-pack or nothing at all. Regardless of my symptoms, the z-pack seems to be the miracle/cure-all drug to the UCF physicians and I'm not the only one who feels the same way. Its almost a running joke among students on campus that the second you step into the health clinic, you are walking out with a z-pack. The main problem that I personally have with the z-pack is that it is ineffective ! Every time I go to the health clinic, I say that it is going to be my last time because I am always given a z-pack (like clock work), and when I finish the pack, I still have symptoms ! Every time ! Normally I end up browsing the walls at CVS, purchasing any medication that has my symptoms listed on the box and after a few days I begin to feel better. I'm beginning to believe that rest and time, not medication, is what ultimately cures my illness. The health clinic has turned me into a skeptic for all prescriptions.

I do not know the reasons behind the frequency of prescribing the z-pack to everyone at the health clinic. Perhaps the makers of z-pack have a deal with the UCF health clinic. Or the populairty of the z-pack has consumers requesting it more often. However, I believe that physicians have become lazy and prescribe the z-pack since it is the most adaptive medication for various symptoms. Instead of taking the time and getting to the root of the problem with the patient, these physicians are just writing the prescription and moving on to their next patient. If this is the case, with physicians being over-worked and lazy, should the physicians or the health clinic be held at fault ? Would it really take that much effort and time to move away from this practice and to actually listent to a patient's symptoms and prescribe them medication that is tailored to their illness ? I believe that the health clinic is falling short of their potential. Since it is hopefully their goal to keep the campus healthy, I would hope that they wouldn't want to have students hesitant to go to the health clinic because they know that they will be prescribed the z-pack. The health clinic needs to change the way in which they deal with student's health issues, rather than having students see it as a joke to go to the health clinic.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Is 66 too old to have a baby ?

With all the media attention being given to Jon & Kate plus their eight children, I decided to read over some other various news articles dealing with fertility treatments. One particular article that caught my attention comes from the UK, announcing that a 66 year old woman is 8 months pregnant, expecting her first child. The article states that Mrs. Adeney is a very wealthy and healthy divorcee and is elated to be expecting her first child. She conceived the child through IVF treatments in Ukraine, since most British clinics will not offer services to women over 50. She is not alone in her old age pregnancy. In 2007, Mrs. Tollefson, 56 gave birth to her first child with her 46 year old husband with the help of IVF treatments from a Russian fertility clinic. Three years ago, Patricia Rashbrook, 62, from Sussex, gave birth to a son with the help of a donor egg from Russia. This case attracted much media attention since this was the first child for her husband while she already had 3 grown-up children.

As many critics have pointed out, Mrs. Adeney will be 79 by the time the child reaches its teens years and well into her 80s when the child is in college. On a blog site, many mothers have expressed their view points on her as well, calling it an "act of breathtaking selfishness" and stressing the need for a "cut-off point" in the age that a woman can become pregnant.

Meanwhile, others are quick to point out the double standard that exists between men and women when expecting a child. When BBC reporter, Jonathan Dimbleby had a child at the age of 64, everyone sent well wishes his way. Even over in America, Donald Trump and David Lettermen are among a few of the famous fathers who had children later in life, without much critizism given to them. What many people don't consider is that life expenctancy for women is always much longer than it is for men. Today, a women's life expenctancy is 85, while it is 82 for men.

Dr. Lockwood, a physician that has been following Mrs. Adeney case, stated that because IVF treatments for older patients rely on donor eggs taken from younger women, almost all of the dangers associated with older motherhood-such as down's syndrome and other foetal abnormalities-are not present. She believes that childbirth is not difficult if the woman is fit and healthy and does not have any underlying health problems. The most challenging part of pregnancy for older women is the psychological aspect of each case. Why is the woman not content with being an aunt or god-mother to children of friend's and relatives? Regardless of the reasons behind the woman wanting to become a mother later on in life, society will still place judgements on each specific case.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Managed Care

Ever since President Obama took office, health care reform as been a leading topic of reform. The rising cost of health care along with many individuals being dropped from their employer-sponsored health insurance has all lead to the high number of individuals who are uninsured today. Once an individual or family looses their employer-sponsored health insurance, it becomes extremely difficult to find another health plan that provides the right amount of coverage for the right price.

In an aritcle I found in the Managed Care Magazine, four individual views are provided regarding the ethics of managed care. One particular question that was posed to internists asking if they would deliberatley manipulate or misrepresent information they give to an insurance company to provide more care to their patients. The results found that 58% would to obtain coverage for a cardiac bypass, 56% would to revascularize a blocked artery in the leg, and 48% would if a patient was denied intravenous pain medication. Another seperate survey found that approximately 39% of physicians said that they had misrepresented information that went to an insurance company to benefit a patient within the past year.

If the physicians alter the information they provide to insurance companies to help the patient, is this still unethical? Many see this as just cost-shifting. The research done on chart-based data is distored by miscoding anyways.

Everyone knows that managed care has made it extremely difficult for patients to receive any type of treatment beyond the bare minimum. If an additional procedure is ordered, many times the managed care company will not cover it, leaving the patient to pay out of pocket for it. Instead of having patients go through all the paper work and trouble associated with receiving additional test, these physicians have taken it upon themselves to find a way for insurance to allow these additional tests that do benefit the health of the patient. Since the ultimate goal of physicians is to improve the health of their patients, these physicians are infact, fulfilling their goal, but at the expense of who ? I personally believe that if practices such as these continue to happen, total reform of our health care system will never be possible. Yes, managed care definitely needs to change the way in which they conduct their services, but physicians also cannot continue to misrepresent information to managed care companies or else the system will fall back into their old habits.